The importance of community and exploring nature were in focus during Chesterbrook Academy Preschool's observance of Earth Day on April 22, as students released eco-friendly ladybugs into the environment.

Under the watch of Assistant Principal Olivia Musser and fellow staff members, close to 50 preschoolers handled hundreds of ladybugs that were subsequently placed into the academy's surrounding gardens.

The ladybugs, according to Musser, act as a natural pesticide by gorging on a multitude of "bad bugs," also known as aphids. In fact, an adult ladybug can consume hundreds of aphids in a single day and thousands within their one-two year lifespans, per published reports.

"We wanted to choose a way that we could give back to our environment. So these kids have been learning about these ladybugs throughout the year," said Musser of the annual event.

"We're trying to teach them to be nice to the ladybugs and to be gentle, it's kind of a struggle," she conceded.

As for additional outdoor activities the youngsters have been involved in, Musser mentioned recent efforts in instructing students to create their own little gardens.

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