01) Cheryll Woods-Flowers 03-27-24

Cheryll Woods-Flowers

No matter what type of home you buy, there’s always a share of risk involved. Even if you have an inspection done, it’s possible for problems to be overlooked, especially in older homes. If you’re considering buying, or you already own a home that was built over 50 years ago, here are some things you should look out for.

Foundation Issues

These are common in older homes and can involve everything from deteriorating support structures to small cracks in the settlement. While these issues are usually caused by natural wear and tear, they might also be the result of nearby tree roots or saturated soil. Foundation issues increase in risk and expense as they worsen over time, so acting early is key. Look for cracks in the interior or exterior walls and be wary of floorboards that sag, squeak or bounce.

An Aging Roof

The average roof lasts 20-25 years, depending on the material and quality. If you don’t know when the roof was last replaced, you can estimate how much life it has left by looking for signs of damage and wear. If you see missing shingles, cracked or curled shingles, dark streaks or moss, you’ll likely need to replace it very soon. If it looks a bit worn but not damaged, you may get another 10 years out of it.

Hazardous Materials and Gases

Asbestos and lead paint were commonly used in homes built before 1978. While asbestos was a highly effective insulator in previous decades, it’s now known to cause respiratory issues as well as lung cancer. This material can lurk in old walls, pipes, attics and crawlspaces. Lead paint that was not properly removed or encapsulated can cause lead poisoning. Before proceeding with your purchase, check to see if these materials were used.

Additionally, homes built more than 50 years ago might contain harmful gases like radon. Radon is an odorless and colorless gas, which makes it difficult to identify. Even though radon isn’t classified as toxic, it’s the main cause of lung cancer among people who don’t smoke. Radon test kits are inexpensive and can be purchased at most home improvement stores.

Outdated Plumbing and Electrical Systems

Plumbing and electrical systems wear out over time, like anything else. If these systems haven’t been updated since the initial home construction, they may contain outdated or degraded materials, which can pose a safety risk.

Corroded pipes can lead to leaks, and older electrical systems increase the risk of fires. Inquire about the age of the plumbing and electrical systems in the home you’re interested in to determine if the components need to be replaced. Consider upgrading the HVAC system if it’s more than 10-15 years old as well.

Potential Flipping Concerns

Many older homes attract investors who buy them to renovate and resell at a profit. Investors don’t catch everything, which is why you should still perform a standard inspection alongside additional tests for radon, asbestos and mold.

Homes built over 50 years ago offer charm and character and can be more affordable. However, it’s crucial that you get a thorough inspection and learn as much as you can about the systems and materials before deciding to purchase. A little caution goes a long way in securing a home that’s both safe and sound.

If you’re ever curious about local conditions or want to discuss how the latest trends can impact you, contact me at cflowers@woodsflowers.com.

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