01) Linda Kargas-Bone- One

Dr. Linda Karges-Bone

Brain fitness. Is it an oxymoron or a mantra? It depends on whether one’s brain is functioning cognitively, creatively and consistently. For some, brain fitness is taken for granted, that is until something happens or until a subtle, yet significant change in one’s behavior or creative energy demands attention. Listen up friends: this could happen to you.

It happened for me on a recent consulting trip from my warm, southern community to Upstate New York. I had been pushing the physiological and cognitive boundaries for weeks and now, tapped out and tired ... it began to tell on me. In the span of one morning, I missed a plane connection, lost a brand new copy of a detective story that I was eager to read and received a speeding ticket from a very nice, but unswayable state trooper ... all because I had taken my brain fitness for granted. Without the four “F’s (fun, focus, feeding and freshness), the systems began to falter and I suffered the consequences.

Perhaps the loss of the best-selling fiction book about symbols and signs forced me to pay attention — that or the speeding citation. I had just accepted this assignment to write about the current research on brain fitness, so I used my own current dilemma to internalize the story. In reviewing the research and anecdotal data from experts and colleagues, I propose four findings that help to organize thinking about what keeps the brain fit, healthy, happy and functioning at optimum capacity as we negotiate high stress jobs like such as being a nanny. Perhaps by reviewing the “Four F’s of Fitness” and applying them to our lives, we can all improve our stress levels, brain health and even our driving records!

Defining the Four Fs

Much of the current thinking about “brain fitness” centers on trendy, technology-driven devices or computer-driven games. Indeed, these can be helpful in exercising thinking and in engaging neural productivity.

Additionally, more traditional brain fitness strategies such as playing Tetris on a cell phone while waiting at the dentist; doing a daily crossword puzzle or Sodoku; completing a jigsaw puzzle, or using one’s hands to paint, draw, or play music all contribute to brain fitness and will be applied in context in the 10 Brain Fitness Strategies that follow.

However, this discussion examines the “schema” or background knowledge that research suggests as the driving force behind strength, stamina and sustained brain fitness.

Fun: The frequent infusion of novelty, new experiences, social connectivity, hands-on activities, humor and healthy levels of “white space” in which to re-charge cognitive batteries.

Focus: The strategic infusion of strategies, such as checking sources, using tools such as cell phone reminders, allowing adequate time between tasks, making copies of essential documents, using colored markers, stars or stickers to prompt memory, along with setting prompts to cue tasks.

Feeding: The conscious infusion of brain-friendly foods and consistent hydration during times of high demand and stress to keep neural-transmissions moving smoothly and blood sugar regular.

Freshness: The consistent infusion of rest, including adequate measures of deep cycle “restorative” sleep, daily physical activity including Vitamin-D rich sunlight ( 15 minutes minimum), as well as quiet meditation and reflection.

How Does Brain Fitness Work?

Our three pound brains are capable of “32 million years of neural connections” in the pre-frontal cortex. Yet, even with this generous complexity, the ingenious system can falter if it isn’t kept fit. There are four threats to brain fitness:

1. Boredom

2. Cognitive Dissonance

3. Poor Nutrition

4. Stress and Fatigue

Signs of Each of the Threats

1. Boredom: Feeling Old. Not planning for fun. Anxiety.

2. Cognitive Dissonance: Losing things. Losing Touch. Losing Focus.

3. Poor Nutrition: Weight Gain, Bloating, Inflammation.

4. Stress and Fatigue: Inflammation, Headaches, Short Temper, Forgetfulness

These threats are triggered by that pesky stress hormone “cortisol” and can have more sinister effects on overall health and on relationships. The treatment plan ... the four Fs....

To find out more about the research underpinning the Four Fs, read Differentiated Pathways of the Brain or Brain Tips, both available from the Lorenz Educational Press.

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